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Unusual MG Symptoms?

Hi MGers, hope your all coping ok. I was diagnosed with MG 2 years ago after waking up with double vision (which I still have). I had an almost cancerous thymoma removed robotically a year and a half ago. I have been lucky to date that I have had no other symptoms but just recently I have shoulder/neck aching and neck clicking when I turn it. Also have aching pectoral muscles/arms and jaw that comes and goes. Anyone else experienced this? I am of course hoping that it doesn't get worse as I am 2 years in to diagnoses. Any reassurance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  1. Back/neck pain could be a lot of things but I had some chostocondritis after my thymectomy. It is randomly inflamed connective tissue in the chest area, often happens after chest surgeries. I would have worried more but my husband already had it from 4 ablations for WPW. Anyhow, I've also found there's a lot of general pain with MG. Weakness equals pain often, especially when muscles you've used wrong to compensate for paralyzed ones get involved.

    1. Just be careful with back pain I thought it was mg but went to dr it’s a fractured vertebrate I think from prednisone being on a long time but finally getting off

      1. Like my fellow team members and community members, I hope you’re feeling better soon. I do know that I already have some neck problems, but had a very long history of cervical and spinal instability. That being said, I personally have noticed all of my u delaying medical conditions are significantly exasperated with the onset of MG and with MG flares. Although I have not researched MG it, I have seen quite a few people complain about neck and headaches with MG. ❄️ team member, Deborah ❄️

        1. If insurance would pay it depends on the insurance company.
          Many Massage Therapist do not take insurance. The reason

          1. When you take insurance the insurance company sets the price you have to charge all people. No discounts for self-pay, or insurance will/can stop all payments for the therapist.
          2. Some insurance companies get do decide what type of treatments the Massage Therapist can offer....
          3. Lot of paperwork & hoops so it ends up more work than it is worth.

          Talk with your therapist to see if they have or will create something to help you get more massages.... I personally had a punch card of buy 9 the 10th free. Or Prepaid x number of massages at a very discounted price. Best wishes!! Sally (team member).

        2. Hope your symptoms are more favorable now.
          I tried a Lidocaine patch which is large (about the size of my flat hand) and has adhesive to attach wherever. I had such good results on my shoulder, neck and lower back that I asked for a prescription which my doctor happily gave me. I was astounded at the pharmacy that they cost about $2 each and come in a box of 30, but I coughed over the dough. They are good for 12 hours or more, so pretty worthwhile and no bad side effects.

      2. I was diagnose MG with generalize symptoms 7 years ago , but the symptom is controlled some how on pyridostigmine. But I feel some up and down in symptoms like chewing , swollwing and limb weakness. Any one please counsel me.

        1. Thought you might find these encouraging. Also are you on anything for the Mg itself. Other than pyridostigmine for the symptoms. Best wishes!! Sally Farrier... (team member).

        2. what are your new techniques to help with swallowing & especially with medications ? I choke on mine and feel as if they are stuck in my esophagus and give me heart burn.

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