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Side effects of mestinon

I’d have a mild case of mestinon for mg symptoms for about 10 years
It’s not working as well as I would like.I take 1 or 2 tablets a day for my my generalized muscle problem .As I age I’m getting other medical issue such as tinnitus ,worsening double vision and cognitive decline .Im 75 yo .Could these symptoms be from taking mestinon or are they solely related to aging
Mario Falisi
MG member

  1. Hi there! Tinnitus can be related to age, and some cognitive decline can occur to a degree as we age. Worsening double vision is likely associated with myasthenia gravis (MG). I suggest discussing with your doctor the possibility of increasing the mestinon dosage or looking into prism lenses if you haven't already tried them. Here is a link for more information:
    Jodi, Team Member

    1. Hi have you had an opportunity to speak with your physician about what you are experiencing? If not, I would recommend speaking with them. As they can help get to the root cause of the symptoms you are experiencing. I shared a forum thread on common side effects from taking mestinon/pyridostigmine - I hope you can get to the root of your symptoms. Kindly, Jessica (Team Member)

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