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An MG Wedding

I am now 71, but back in 2015, I was married, and then, the next week, I was diagnosed.

Symptoms that led to a crisis

Droopy eye, trouble swallowing, weakness... I went into crisis while working. I was brought back with prednisone. Eventually, I was put on Imuran, which was not a good choice as I turned yellow and led me back to the hospital.

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My surgery story

In 2017 I was approved for a thymectomy at Vancouver General. The thymectomy was supposed to be done laparoscopically but failed and the doctors had to slice me open. In the recovery room, I went back into crisis and was pumped full of prednisone and placed in a 6-day-long coma. The dreams and visions were incredible.


Now I take Cellcept, off prednisone... and all in all, doing well. I do get various neuro-muscular pain... especially in my left knee when my legs are tired. My story.

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