Pay Attention to Slow Heart Rate

I had taken Mestinon for years. The pharmacy printout mentioned slow heart rate as a possible side effect. I had not noticed a slowed pulse and so went on as usual.

An important side effect overlooked

Years later a technician at my eye doctor's office happened to mention that my pulse was only 42. I started checking with other doctors. They hadn't paid attention to my pulse rate until I mentioned it. At least 4 different doctors confirmed a slow pulse. One of them was a cardiologist.

Fortunately, I ended up in the hospital for another purpose. The hospitalist did notice the slow pulse. I had gotten down to only 20 beats per minute! He referred me to a pacemaker specialist. Within 2 weeks I had a pacemaker.

It made all the difference

I felt so much better. I felt that I had come alive again. My brain was working as it should. I wasn't sleeping all the time.
I was very fortunate that I didn't pass out while driving or die as a result of such a slow pulse.

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