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Do you have problems swallowing?

Myasthenia gravis causes weakness of the swallowing muscles of many individuals, leading to problems involving choking, a terrifying experience,,, and

Have you had problems swallowing before? What foods are tolerable? How do you manage to take any prescription pills?

  1. Yes and NO ONE even Docs dont seem to understand! Its horrible, embarashing , and Scary. Thank you for writing about this!!

    1. Yes Mestinon 180 XR. Cellcept caused an abdominal bleed.

    2. How scary!! Have you considered adding another MG treatment, or did the CellCept experience create too much apprehension? ( Of course, what happened to you, I assume, was unpredictable (unless there were risks with other treatments, etc). Sometimes, MG treatments work better for specific MG antibodies if you know which you are positive for or if you are seronegative.
      -Jodi, Team Member

  2. yes

    1. I take. I take. A. Med. To. Help. This.

  3. Very occasionally

    1. Yes

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