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I’m from Australia & an MGer, having suffered from this dreaded disease for 13yrs that I know of because I had different reactions to MG from being told I was Bull_ _ _ _ in ED because the Drs didn’t know enough about MG & was told I needed a speech therapist & sent home. I finally got referred to a Neurologist who diagnosed me within minutes of meeting her, sent to hospital where I was confirmed with MG. I was given 5 full Plasma Exchanges. I’ve further 3 or 4 since, I’m currently on Pyridostigmine & Cell Cept& battling on

  1. Hi sorry to hear you were dismissed by other doctors from a lack of knowledge. Glad you finally got to a neurologist who has been, what sounds like, very helpful! How are you doing with the treatment plan? Are you finding them helpful? I hope so. We're here to support you in any way we can. Kindly, Jessica (Team Member)

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