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So after being told that I was in remission and being encouraged to cease my mycophenolate which I was not comfortable with I now find out through new blood tests that my MG is in evidence again. I have complained about fatigue which was ignored. This causes stress to my husband and myself and great disappointment.....

  1. Hello I'm sorry you're going through this. Have you tried asking for a second opinion? If you're not comfortable with stopping your medication that should be taken seriously by your doctor. Your treatment plan should be agreed upon you and your doctor. Maybe a second opinion is needed in order for you to feel comfortable and get the proper treatment that best suites you and your needs. Try not to get upset of stress over this. It could be triggering you to become fatigue. Get some rest and when you have enough energy you can take care of this matter. Best of luck to you - Jazmin (team member)

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