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Good News!

I was called by a neurology department at st. Claire hospital. They had a cancellation that needed to be filled! I was so relieved to get an appointment a month earlier and to see the doctor himself. It was a lengthy visit with assistants interviewing, nurses taking vitals and the doctor doing many tests and holding an interview as well. The outcome is, Mestinon 5 times a day, Vyvgart infusions beginning next week, and a c-scan for a thymoma. The doctor was very attentive and he was well attuned to GMG. He was cautious about meds due to several other issues including pre-diabetes. I feel like there is hope!

  1. so glad to hear you received some news that has provided you with some hope! Also so glad to hear the doctor was so attentive. Please feel free to check in and let us know how you are doing. We care and are here for you. Kindly, Jessica, MG Team Member

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