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MG and going to the dentist

I have MG and I am scared to get my mouth numbed up at the dentist. Does a person with MG do ok with this?

  1. Hi there, our wonderful patient leader recently wrote an article all about how to prep for a dental visit! I hope you find it helpful: Warmly, Kaitlyn (Team Member)

    1. This article has helped tremendously. Iam glad I joined this community.

    2. We are so glad you're here! Best wishes, Kaitlyn (Team Member)

  2. Thank you for your response, it does help me

    1. Hello I go to the dentist quite a bit and from personal experience I do fine with the numbing meds. I'm numbed up for the expected amount of time. You should be fine but still express to your dentist that you are immune compromised and on any medications. - Jazmin (team member)

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