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MG with lupus sle

Was just diagnosed with lupus sle. Already so limited on with MG how do I manage meds and everything with lupus and rhumathoid arthritis? Also getting ready to go to neuromuscular team at Mayo to determine which immunotherapy that would be better for me. Does immunotherapy help with lupus too?

  1. Wasn't what I asked about.

    1. We want to ensure that your health conditions are treated with the utmost care. We encourage having an individual doctor who specializes in each condition you have. All of your doctors need to communicate any new treatments or changes with each other before moving forward. They best understand which medications are safe for each condition and which should not be used together. It's also a good idea to do your research to feel comfortable with their recommendations: For example, some lupus treatments, like hydroxychloroquine, are contradicted (recommended not to be used) with MG. This highlights how crucial it is for your doctors to stay in touch with each other.
      - Jodi, Team Member

      1. we have a sister site for lupus that may have some helpful information. These are some common treatments for lupus including immunotherapy. Please reach out anytime and let us know how we can assist! All my best, Julie (team member)

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