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sore arms

Has anyone with MG have sore arms...below the shoulders..Feels like you were exercising with small weights

  1. Yes..My Neurologists told me this wasnt related to my MG. I told him oh yes it is and to put that on his lists of symptoms... MG is not common and i believe some Doctors need to listen and learn from us

    1. I notice this particularly after household chores!

      1. I have sore arms from time to time as well. I'm not sure if it's related but sometimes if I'm holding something it'll fall right out of my hands. I get really weak out of nowhere. - Jazmin (MG team member)

        1. They always hurt...I guess more so when i overdo..which i'm trying not to do...which is difficult at times..I've had MG for 4 months

          1. I also have had MG for 4 months now..Not Fun..

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