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I care for my mother, who has been diagnosed w/ Myasthenia Gravis, and she has issues w/ trying to think of words that she is trying to say. Can this be caused by Myasthenia Gravis? She is 84 yrs. old

  1. This is a common challenge for many of us with MG as well as those with MS. I, personally, struggle greatly with this. It was one of the hardest things for me to deal with as speaker and educator. Also, this is impacted greatly depending on how active I am or if in an MG flare/exasperation/crisis. Last hospitalization, it was very bad. That is where I learned of the connection ! - *Team Memeber Deborah*

    1. Have you ever heard of brain fog? I too have trouble thinking of words at times. Let alone trying to pronounce them, my mouth just won't move that way, lol!! Brain fog can go with health conditions like MG & age!! I am 60 years old. While Brain fog is not unique to MG, many of us with MG do get it even at younger ages I know I did!! The hard part is finding out where it is coming from. And only a Dr. can help make sure something else is not going on. Hope this helps to know that yes it can go with MG as well as other things!! Sally (team member).

      1. Hello , I am sorry to hear your mother is experiencing difficulty with her speech. Has this issue been discussed with her doctor? If not, I would recommend doing so. As her doctor can help get to the root cause of the symptoms she is experiencing. Speech issues related to MG are typically due to muscle weakness. In the meantime, I included some information we have on speech issues related to MG - and I hope this information is helpful and your mom can get to the root cause of her issues. Kindly, Jessica, MG Team Member

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