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Thymectomy Surgery 70 Year Old Woman

I’m a woman who was diagnosed with MG in August 2020 at the age of 70. My symptoms then included double vision, droopy eyelids, impaired speech, difficulty swallowing, weak neck muscles and tiredness. I was put on Mestinon and Prednisone and I had minimally invasive Thymectomy surgery in November 2020 at University of MI Hospital. I was informed by my surgeon, who was excellent, that I did have a Thymoma but it was not malignant. I had no complications from this surgery. However, in December 2020, I had a very bad MG flareup and I was admitted to the Emergency Department of the same hospital. I was an inpatient at this hospital for 12 days and I was discharged with a NG feeding tube which I had to have for about 7 weeks until I was again able to swallow food. My neurologist is also on staff at this Hospital and he has been excellent thru out this MG experience. I later had home IVIG infusions, starting bi-weekly and then later every 6 weeks (with Privigen), for a total of about 18 months. I also had transitioned to Cellcept as my only MG medication. As of January of this year (2023), I’ve now been off the Cellcept and I’ve not had any MG symptoms and I feel like I’ve never had this problem. I’m hoping and praying that I’m either cured or in remission. This was my Thymectomy experience and I hope all of you contemplating this surgery have the same result that I’m now so fortunate to be having.

  1. Hi Kaitlyn,
    Thanks for your reply and

    I hope you’re doing well. My spouse just posted my “not in remission” story but he left out that I’m also having swallowing and chewing problems even though I’ve now had one IVIG infusion and have been back on Cellcept and Mestinon since May of this year. So much for the thymectomy resulting in a cure but I don’t regret having it. I wish you good luck and good health on your journey and please read “my story” as it may be helpful.

    1. Hi Kaitlyn

      1. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with our community. I am so glad to hear you had a positive thymectomy experience and that you are currently in remission. Please keep us updated on your progress! Best wishes, Kaitlyn (Team Member)

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