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Very Scared

I just was diagnosed the first of this year they out me on steroids till I could see nuro see is saying its just me eyes I can barely walk can't dress my self and still taking steroids and pyridostigm I have to have help up and down going to bathroom and very scared I want to see another doctor not sure what to do have a dairy since it started need help can I find that here

  1. Hello , Thank you sharing your concerns with us. We are all here to support you on your journey. Great job keeping a diary. It will come in handy when doctors ask, "when did your symptoms start?", "what are your symptoms?", "how long to they last?", "what medications do you take/how much?"...the list goes on. Instead of standing there like a deer in headlights (<---- referring to myself ) you have everything organized and written down. Plus it sounds like you have people around that support you and are able to help. How are you feeling now? Any new symptoms or has anything gotten better? - Jazmin (team member)

    1. Hi , I'm glad you have found this community. We are here to support you and understand how overwhelming and scary a new diagnosis can be. Steroids and pyridostigmine are often the first drugs prescribed for MG, so I'm glad to hear your doctor has started treatment. When do you have your next appointment? It sounds like you are doing a great job keeping a diary and tracking your symptoms. This will be so helpful for you and your doctor to understand what you are experiencing. I'm sharing a few articles below that might be helpful. But please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions. This community is here for you. Best, Lauren ( Team)

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