Patient Insider: Tasha White
Patient InsiderHi, I’mTashaWhen living with myasthenia gravis,finding balance is key.

I could not even pronounce it
I learned to avoid negative conflict the hard way.

Let those emotions out
When you’re having a hard day, don't hold emotions in. MG is connected to our emotions. And when our emotions are triggered, we're triggered. It just throws us all out of whack.
The truth: you're going to have days where you just want to scream. I still do. So have those moments. Get it out of your system. Holding anything in that's negative is stressful, and that can trigger our MG. Don’t bottle it up. Scream. Cry. Whatever you need to do. Talk to someone. Write it down. Just don't hold that stuff in.
Balancing it all
I know my limits. When to sit. When to go to bed. When to stop. If it’s a hard day and getting to the kitchen is an accomplishment, celebrate it. What might be a mediocre thing to someone else is huge for us.
But I don’t want to live a life that feels limited. My parents never really held me back from anything. I still try to live that way. With life, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith. So that’s exactly what I’ll be doing: going skydiving for my birthday. For me, it all comes down to hope. If you have hope, you're not going to limit yourself.

Hope is one of the most beautiful words to me.

My Reading List
You're not alone on this journey. Here are some articles that may help.
- What Not to Say to Someone with MG
- Two Steps Forward, One Step Back … The MG Dance
- Making Self-Care a Priority
Oh, and follow more of my story.