My Experience with IVIG & Tips

The article I just read about IVIG provides great information. I can't take steroids like Prednisone so, when Mestinon alone wasn't enough, my wonderful neurologist suggested a trial of IVIG.

Starting the process

She did tell me about the side effects and gave me a handout to read about it and even directed me to your website. Since I have chronic migraines she mentioned that it might trigger them and gave me a prescription for medication to take prior to and if I got a migraine from the IVIG. She also prescribed some anti-nausea medication for me.

The trial works and now I'm on a monthly maintenance IVIG treatment every 4 weeks. Since I have a number of other health issues she didn't want me to have it at home. Fortunately one of my doctors actually has an infusion center attached to his office so I can get it done there under his supervision.

What I have learned...

I've been getting it for quite some time now and I've found that hydration is definitely important. They give me Tylenol and Benadryl prior to the infusion plus with the infusion a liter of fluid. My recommendation is to ask your doctor for something if you have headaches and/or nausea from it that the Tylenol and Benadryl don't help.

My doctor was proactive, but they don't know if you don't tell them. When my doctor gave me the nausea medication, she said to use it as needed. It just goes under the tongue and melts and takes effect pretty fast. I'm really glad to get the IVIG it helps but does start to wear off as I get closer to time for the next one. But I'll take better swallowing and vision for whenever I get it.

🙂 Hope you all have easier times and whatever treatment regimens you are on give you more days where you feel more like yourself. Hugs fellow travelers🙏

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