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Hand swelling and tingling

I am in the middle of an MG Crisis. In 10 Days I will start my second series of Vyvgart. I am wondering if anyone has had hand swelling and tingling? I also have all the signs like double vision and all around weakness and exhaustion.

  1. I have been diagnosed with MG 20 years ago. This is my second crisis. I get Vyvgart in 10 days and hope in the future to get treatments before any symptoms occur. this will be the second series of Vyvgart it lasts about 6 months

    1. Sending my deepest compassion your way and good vibes for improvement! Have you ever tried IVIG or PLEX during a crisis? If this is your first crisis, I recommend checking out the information in this article: There is not discussion currently on our site about hand swelling. However, there is on hand tingling:,,,,,,
      I would discuss carpal tunnel syndrome as a possible cause with your doctor if you've yet to.
      Do you have an MG diagnosis yet, or do you still need testing done?

      -Jodi, Team Member

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