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Can i have nicotine on imuran

Hi everyone! I’ve been diagnosed with MG since 2021 and have been on mestinon since then. Last week i had my checkup and they decided to put me on imuran. Before i got diagnosed i was an big smoker but after i decided to switch to vaping becaus it’s a bit better. I’ve tried to stop vaping multiple times but i just can’t. When i got imuran persrciped i forgot to ask if it was stil ok to vape and i can’t find it anywhere online, so i was wondering if any of you know if it is still ok to vape on Imuran. Thank you so much in advance for responding!!!

  1. In addition to your physician, you might also ask your pharmacist. I have found in my experience that pharmacists know a great deal about drug & substance interactions, often more than primary care providers.

    1. Hello I would reach out to your physician and inquire about this. As they will know how the two will interact and the impact on your personal health. Wishing you well. -Jessica, Team Member

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