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Do you have problems swallowing?

Myasthenia gravis causes weakness of the swallowing muscles of many individuals, leading to problems involving choking, a terrifying experience,,, and

Have you had problems swallowing before? What foods are tolerable? How do you manage to take any prescription pills?

  1. yes

    1. How often do your swallowing complications occur? Do you believe MG treatment helps?

      - Jodi, Team Member

  2. I do have trouble swallowing almost constantly now. I have been trying to take more vitamin and herbal supplements and they are not small. I take one to two pills at a time but even that is sometimes too much. I plan on talking to my neuro next time I go about this issue as well as my primary because sometimes it feels like they are stuck in my esophagus. I eat mostly soft foods or small bites. On a positive note, it has helped lose 40 lbs over the past 4 years that I wanted to lose.

    1. many in our community can relate to challenges with swallowing - you are not alone. Hoping your upcoming physician appointments will be helpful. I shared an article we have on MG and swallowing, just in case you may be interested in reading - I also shared another article written from the perspective of one of our amazing community health leaders - Please feel free to check back in and let us know how you are doing anytime. Hugs, Jessica, Team Member

  3. Yes

    1. I've had Generalised MG for over 49 years and for the 1st time in 2020 I experienced the paralysed feeling of not being able to swallow, chew or speak. There's not enough space here to explain the experience I had. It was disgraceful.

      1. I send my deepest compassion your way that you endured such a horrible situation. In your opinion, if you went to the hospital when this all went down, how did they handle it? -Jodi, Team Member

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