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How Do You Cope With Hot Temperatures?

Summer is almost here. Does the heat worsen your Myasthenia gravis symptoms? Which ones?

How often are you outdoors in the hot temperatures? When you are outside in the heat, how do you cope?

- Jodi, Team Member

  1. I also have problems on hot asphalt.

    1. How I cope with hot weather? To begin with, I lived in Houston Texas until 2007 when I had an opportunity to move to South Dakota. I can now enjoy summer. Winter is another topic but cold bothers me less than heat.

      1. My MG does well in winter.

        The gotcha is that I also have Raynaud's syndrome, which stops blood flow to my hands and feet in cold temperatures. Essentially, my hands and feet go from warm to turning purple and hit-with-a-hammer cold after just minutes of cold exposure.

        At the same time, stores and restaurants in my community crank up their thermostats to ridiculously high temperatures in the winter. Nearly all of them do that. It's bizarre, because it more expensive and customers are dressed for cold weather.

        So, winter is the seasonal version of Catch-22. MG vs. Raynaud's. Dress for winter vs. dress for warm temps in stores.

      2. Stores and restaurants being such drastic differences then the outside temp is awful for so many of us with MG to deal with. I am currently experiencing the opposite in Florida. The stores throw me into a massive shaking episode in response to the extreme temperature difference, and they crank the AC. As you mentioned, I don't understand why since the cost is higher. It must be the manager's preference often. I am not sure if you experience brain fog, but it can be so challenging to remember to dress in layers or bring extra layers of clothing. Let alone the physical exhaustion and limitation for us with active MG to shed sometimes heavy clothing layers entering and exiting stores.

        - Jodi, Team Member

    2. I find that when the time of the day goes up my energy goes down to very weak and I lose my appetite. I was a sun person at one time but even before I was diagnosed with MG I remember that the heat seemed to bother me but I thought I was just getting old.. now i hide in doors and wait for the cooler evening to go out
      gerald mee

      1. Have you accommodated your eating throughout the day since you've experienced decreased appetite later in the day?
        - Jodi, Team Member

    3. even though the house has A/C I use a fan.

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