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How Do You Cope With Hot Temperatures?

Summer is almost here. Does the heat worsen your Myasthenia gravis symptoms? Which ones?

How often are you outdoors in the hot temperatures? When you are outside in the heat, how do you cope?

- Jodi, Team Member

  1. I don't know if this is the place to ask my question but I was wondering if anyone has more trouble with unbalanced hormones affecting their MG?
    Yes definitely heat affects my MG. I moved out of California to get away from the heat there. I get extremely weak all over when it's hot so I try to get things done in the early morning or when it cools down in the evening.

    1. Jeff Pearce Community Member 986
      I live in Australia and Summer temperatures vary between 30 degrees Celsius and about 44 degrees Celsius. I do not use any air conditioners as they easily dry me out by pumping very dry air around. What suits me, but may not suit you, is to get a wet towel and put it around my neck and partly down my upper chest. Sit in a lazy chair in the shade and DO NOTHING! Keep the towel at least moist and don't fall for the temptation to swim in the pool in the sun. Just relax.
      Enjoy your MG as best you can.
      All the best, Jeff.

      1. We appreciate you sharing your tips!
        -Jodi, Team Member

    2. I also have problems on hot asphalt.

      1. Hey there! We're so excited to welcome you to our community! We'd love to get to know you better and hear about your experience with MG. When were you diagnosed, and how have you been feeling lately?
        Jodi, Team Member

    3. How I cope with hot weather? To begin with, I lived in Houston Texas until 2007 when I had an opportunity to move to South Dakota. I can now enjoy summer. Winter is another topic but cold bothers me less than heat.

      1. @pville211 How do you do when the cold weather rolls around?

        - Jodi, Team Member

      2. @pville211 Stores and restaurants being such drastic differences then the outside temp is awful for so many of us with MG to deal with. I am currently experiencing the opposite in Florida. The stores throw me into a massive shaking episode in response to the extreme temperature difference, and they crank the AC. As you mentioned, I don't understand why since the cost is higher. It must be the manager's preference often. I am not sure if you experience brain fog, but it can be so challenging to remember to dress in layers or bring extra layers of clothing. Let alone the physical exhaustion and limitation for us with active MG to shed sometimes heavy clothing layers entering and exiting stores.

        - Jodi, Team Member

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