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Do You Have Seronegative Myasthenia Gravis? What Treatment Has Improved Your Symptoms Best?

Are you diagnosed with seronegative MG?
Which treatments have you been approved for? Which have you tried?
Which form of treatment offered you the most improvement, and what doses?
- Jodi, Team Member

  1. Apherisis.

    1. Medication started 2 weeks ago and only taken 6 tablets so far. They helped with my mouth muscles and was able to eat a bit more.

      1. That is good to hear! Which treatment is it?
        I read you are experiencing dizziness and eye issues. Dizziness is a common side effect when starting some MG treatments, but be sure to inform your doctor. Here are some articles about vision issues with MG that may be of interest to you:,,,,
        - Jodi, Team Member

    2. IVIG ( MUSK )

      1. So far, none of the treatments I've been on have helped. Mestinon didn't work. Prednisone exacerbated my symptoms. Most recently I have been on Azthioprine for almost 2 months with no noticeable difference. Insurance has denied infusions twice.

        1. I was diagnosed in October of 23, but looking back I see seemingly random symptoms over the past 15 years or so. Last year, my husband fell 5 times in the first 6 months of the year, breaking various bones (he has Parkingson's). So from January to August I took care of him and did all the things he usually does. It was very stressful for us both, and most likely the cause of all of my symptoms hitting at the same time in a less random way. I thank God that he hasn't fallen this year!

          Thanks for the links! I have read most of those articles.

        2. Sending good vibes you and your husband's way!
          - Jodi, Team Member

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