Muscle crampingI haven't been diagnosed with MG but my doctors and I are believe it is likely causing my symptoms, notably double vision and extreme muscle fatigue that varies throughout the...Reactions0reactionsComments112 repliesDiagnosisGeneralized MGSymptoms
Autoimmune Conditions Common With MG"Like many other autoimmune conditions, research shows that people who develop MG may have inherited genes that make them more likely to develop autoimmune conditions. Doctors also know that people...Reactions0reactionsComments24 repliesDiagnosisAutoimmune DiseasesResearch & Clinical Trials
FeaturedWhich doctor is your primary doctor for your MG?Who do you see for your care around your myasthenia gravis diagnosis?...Reactions0reactionsComments34 repliesHealthcare TeamDiagnosis
FeaturedDo You Have Seronegative Myasthenia Gravis? What Treatment Has Improved Your Symptoms Best?Are you diagnosed with seronegative MG? Which treatments have you been approved for? Which have you tried? Which form of treatment offered you the most improvement, and what doses? -...Reactions0reactionsComments144 repliesSeronegativeTreatmentDiagnosis
Cured?My husband was diagnosed with MG two years ago. This past summer, a different doctor determined that "the patient doesn't have MG". Is this possible? His neurologist retired and we...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesRemissionDiagnosis
What Test(s) Were Used to Diagnose Your MG?What tests did doctors run to diagnose your MG? Were imaging and bloodwork involved in your diagnosis?...Reactions0reactionsComments24 repliesSymptomsNewly DiagnosedDiagnosis
First SymptomsWhat were the first MG symptoms you experienced? How long did they persist before you were diagnosed? How long until you felt you possibly had something serious? - Jodi, Team...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesSymptomsDiagnosisAwareness
Was Gaslighting Involved in Your Diagnosis Journey?Did any health professionals dismiss your symptoms before you finally received the answers that you had an MG diagnosis? Were you ever told you were making up your symptoms or...Reactions0reactionsComments95 repliesSymptomsDiagnosisAwareness
My storyI am 65 years old. I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis almost 3 years ago. It started 3 years ago with double vision. I didn’t know until 4 months later...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesDiagnosisMuscle WeaknessThymectomy
Asking my doctor to support testing me for MG?My father had myasthenia gravis MG in his late 70's. I am noticing some of the MG symptoms he had in myself. Saliva leaking out the corners of my mouth...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesDiagnosisSymptoms