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First Symptoms

What were the first MG symptoms you experienced? How long did they persist before you were diagnosed? How long until you felt you possibly had something serious? - Jodi, Team Member

  1. Exhausted to the point of almost falling asleep at the wheel. Arms and legs so heavy I can't lift them

    1. Hi I am glad you did not fall asleep at that wheel. I can imagine that would be quite startling. How have you been doing with the fatigue since being diagnosed? We're here anytime. -Jessica (Team Member)

  2. My first symptoms were weakness and fatigue. Some tingling in my wrists and forearms. Went to neurologist and went through several different diagnoses and treatments. One day in 2019 at the doctor I had trouble saying a couple of words. He asked if that was a common problem and I said only in the afternoon and laughed. He handed me a worksheet and ordered some tests and bingo, my challenge began.

    1. I had slurred speech on 2 occasions but because I had had surgery on my tongue in the past the neurologist insisted it was not MG. About a year later I had a droopy eye and vision problems so at my eye doctors request my primary care doc run blood work, I was antibody positive. I also have very mild slurred speech when I saw my primary. By the time I saw another neurologist the speech issue was gone and I only had mild eye symptoms. They said I had Ocular MG and a mild case, I only need Mestinon if I wanted to take it, again the speech was unrelated. Then about a year later and 3 months following a surgery, I'm in the hospital for 9 days needing IVIG so now they say I have Generalized MG.

      1. For a number of years my left eye drooped badly so I got my GP to send me to a specialist whom I wanted to take a mm of my eyelid out -- he said we should check on something first so I was sent to another specialist who referred me to another in Toronto General who did the MG testing and said I have MG did not explain anything but left it up to me to find things out Fortunately my left eye has not worstened but my right is starting I have trouble breathing and sometimes swallowing food is almost impossible except in liquid form I battle on Gerry Harris Peterborough ON CA

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