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Ocular MG? Which Treatment Has Worked Best for You?

Do you have ocular Myasthenia gravis or at one point did before it turned generalized?

What treatment, if any, has helped you see any improvement?

If you had ocular MG that turned generalized, how long did the treatment keep your MG at an ocular level/type?

  1. Nothing

    1. We are sorry to hear that. When were you diagnosed, and for how long have you been receiving treatment? Have you noticed any improvement, even if for a short duration?
      - Jodi, Team Member

  2. pyridostigmine 60 mg plus 30mg prn with titration of prednisolone 25 mg to 5 mg self increased as per symptom variation

    1. ups and down with the multiple diseases the immune deficit disease has brought with Myasthenia g.g. but prayers n faith helps,

    2. We will continue sending you positive thoughts and prayers during this challenging time. How are you coping emotionally?
      - Jodi, Team Member

  3. Waiting to see a neuro Ophthalmologist eyes still
    Major issue !

    1. Is pyridostigmine the medication you started with or something different? Have you had more success with eating lately?
      I read you are experiencing dizziness and eye issues. Dizziness is a common side effect when starting some MG treatments, but inform your doctor if you have yet to. Here are some articles about vision issues with MG that may be of interest to you:,,,,

      - Jodi, Team Member

  4. Prednisone

    1. We are glad to hear the prednisone is a success for you! How are the side-effects? If you could go back, would you have preferred a different treatment regimen when you were first diagnosed?

      - Jodi, Team Member

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