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Can PCP Rx Mestinon? Suspected MG


I am new here and I’m so alone with this so forgive me if this is long.

I was wondering if anyone has had the experience of a primary care doctor being willing and able to do a trial Mestinon prescription.

I got so close in 2019 until my doctor (affiliated with a hospital group) went to her laptop and it told her we had to try some other drug first beginning with a C that I know my neighbor took for fibro. The reason I wanted to try Mestinon was to give us a clue. Through my research I came upon MG and it seemed to be a fit and my doctor agreed and appeared excited to try Mestinon, until the gods told her no, which defeated the purpose. I left and never went back. I had already been through the ringer with tests and the usual doctor experiences beginning in 2015 with MAJOR problems.

Fast forward to now and I’ve been in a bad (for me) flare all summer which has worsened to where I cannot do anything without having to lay down after and often fall asleep. After 2 hours or so I am feeling ok enough to get up and do it again. Muscle fatigability. Also my left eye is worse and for the first time I have actually felt it at times. The first time I felt it I looked in the mirror and it was worse than ever. I did the ice test - only for about a minute because I can’t stand it and find it painful - and my eyelid improved. In the past I’ve gotten tired chewing and an episode of slurring. When I was on 6th grade a boy teased me because “one eye is bigger” than the other. Not sure if related but around the same age I had to do eye exercises with a string and wooden balls for my eye muscles because my eyes focused before the page. Not sure if that’s related but I just realized these things and so perhaps this started long before I even imagined. There’s a lot more but I’ll leave it at that for now.

I have tested out as what they call sero negative in 2019 but I do show antibodies. Binding <.03, Blocking was 15 and Modulating was <12. Seriously I’d think negative would mean 0, but call me crazy.

I’ve had brain & neck MRI and regular EMG. I asked the neuro after the EMG if it showed my long-time hand/wrist/forearm weakness to be from my neck, and he said “nope - it’s not your neck”. I was simply flabbergasted since all those years I assumed it was nerve damage from a bad neck herniation I had around the time when that began.

Anyway I‘be decided to put myself through help again and chose a doc near me who I don’t believe is connected directly to a hospital and therefore might have more leeway with prescribing until I can get to a new neurologist. I know this is MG and it’s been a long road and I figured it out myself and I also believe I know what caused it.


  1. Your primary care doctor should be able to prescribe you mestinon. However, they may be hesitant and refer you to a neurologist or MG specialist instead:, In regards to antibodies, any showing at all warrants an MG diagnosis, as these are not present at all in those without MG. Hopefully, you can get a mestinon trial soon. If your doctor does not give you an MG specialist referral, if you reside in the USA, here is a search tool: Keep in mind, typically MG specialists book out on average two months ahead.
    It sounds like you had a frustrating experience with your doctor and the medication you wanted to try. It's important to feel heard and supported by your healthcare provider. I'm really sorry to hear that you've been dealing with such a challenging flare-up. I understand how incredibly exhausting and frustrating it is to have to deal with such severe muscle fatigue.
    Have you tried an eye patch for the worsened left eye? This has helped me and numerous others with MG. I experienced weakness in both eyes, but I believe to help strengthen the left eye, you would wear the patch on the right, but to give your left eye a rest, you could alternate sides.
    While EMG tests can help your doctor understand the health of your nerves, muscles, and communication, single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) may be necessary for some individuals. SFEMG is the most sensitive technique for detecting a neuromuscular transmission defect.

    Jodi, Team Member

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