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could anyone tell me what causes the myasthenia pot belly?

Sue from Australia where there are no specialist myasthenia doctors.

  1. I have talked to four general practitioners and two neurology specialists. I have been told it is just air in the stomach, or the stomach muscles are not moving the food along quickly enough or I have irritable bowel syndrome (whichI certainly do not because the bowels are working perfectly). I have had three CT scans, a endoscopy and a gastroscopy. Nothing was found in any of these.

    1. Hey Sue! In which region of Australia do you reside where you need help finding a specialist? Are you currently on any MG treatments?
      - Jodi, Team Member

  2. Hi , sorry to hear you are experiencing this. Have you brought up this with your general practitioner? They may be helpful at getting the root cause of the bloat you are experiencing. Another thing to consider is if you are any medications that could be contributing to the symptoms you are experiencing. Wishing you some relief. Kindly, Jessica (Team Member)

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