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Exercise with Myasthenia Gravis

Have been diagnosed with MG for 11 years. Strongest symptoms showed 2 years ago and hospitalized me. Have engaged in moderate exercise last 2 years - hiking, walking, biking. I want to join a gym. Doctor frowned on it when I just got out of hospital. I want to for mental well being for most part. Having MG does not help stamina from my viewpoint.

Any experience, feedback would be appreciated.

  1. Right after I was diagnosed with MG my neurologist told me to walk in a pool. I said “no problem doc, I have a farm with several ponds “. After he stopped laughing he convinced me to go to a therapy pool. When I first went to the therapy pool I had to use a walker to get from my car to the pool. After about six months I was using a cane, no walker. I stopped using the cane in about one year. Now, I still spend an hour walking in the therapy pool five days a week. If the weather is right, I will substitute going to the city park, use my walker, and walk at least three miles. I would like to go to the park twice a week but not when it is hotter than 72 degrees.

    1. So glad the therapy pool helped! Thanks for sharing with us 😀 - Kaitlyn (Team Member)

  2. Hello Woesy68, I think you have raised a very important issue--whether to exercise or not if you have MG. I have noticed that breathing exercises can be very helpful. I do some pranayama (yoga) involving deep breathing. I think one may also benefit from simple deep breathing for a session of 10 or 15 minutes before breakfast and may be another session some time in the evening when the stomach is not full. I have also noticed that walking--not too fast--for some half an hour everyday can make one feel fit. In fact, it's a good idea to do the breathing exercises after finishing the walking. If you enjoy meditation , then that can follow the breathing exercises, and you will have a sense of well being. I don't think the gym is a good idea for an MG patient, unless, of course, you have top notch supervision tailor made for you. I would love to hear from community members on their experience with exercise.

    1. Hello I still haven't been able to do a full workout or even a half of one for that matter. The only thing I do is simple stretches and breathing exercises. Whenever I try to do any type of REAL physical activity I find is hard to breathe and I get fatigued. That's one of the reasons why I kind of given up on exercise. - Jazmin (team member)

  3. Hello I've been diagnosed for 10 years now. You are very motivational. I used to be very active going to the gym, hikes and 5 mile jogs with my best friend. Now I have no motivation to workout...mostly due to fear. 3 months ago I tried going on morning walks. nothing too crazy just a mile. But I found myself getting very winded JUST BY WALKING, I'd have to take a break and realized I have 0 stamina. I got a thymectomy last month and my doctor wants me to start doing mild exercises. Where I live it's pretty cold and windy but I might start back walking when it warms back up. - Jazmin (team member)

    1. Thank you. I appreciate the response. 👍

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