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eye lid surgery

on March 3 I had eye lid surgery. I'm not very happy about the results. At my follow up 10 days ago, my Dr was disappointed as well. I am seeing (pun intended) at the end of May. Have I been expecting too much? It has been a long slow recovery, and not done yet.

  1. @CommunityMemberf980b3... Hoping you are seeing/doing better... I found this and thought I would share.... "Eyelid or eye muscle surgery is generally not recommended for people with MG" this is the last sentence in the article from the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation, of the link... Big Hug to you!! Sally (team member).

    1. @CommunityMemberf980b3 so sorry to hear you are disappointed with the results of your eye lid surgery. Unfortunately, I have not seen much discussion within the community about this type of surgery but hoping someone chimes in with their own experience! Sending lots of hugs your way, please keep us updated. - Kaitlyn (Team Member

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