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For men with MG-Gravis.

What antidepressants are compatible with Prednisone and mestinon? Any experience would help.
Thanks, Mark

  1. Julie! I will do that. Thank you!

    1. Hey Mark! I suggest you consult with your doctor about this question. All individuals with MG can react differently to medications, but your doctor would have the best advice for you.

      This document,, published by the Myasthenia Gravis Association is a good resource to have at hand. It is a compilation of cautionary drugs with MG categorized by risk level, with antidepressants under the category "psychiatric medications."

      -Jodi, Team Member

      1. thank you Jodi!

    2. for your safety since we are not medical professionals, we cannot offer medical advice. I would encourage you to reach out to your doctor, if you haven’t already, to discuss potential medications. Pharmacists can also be a great resource to help determine medication interactions. I hope you are able to find a treatment regimen that’s helpful for you. All my best, Julie (team member)

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