I get an annual flu shot and covid booster, but I get them at least a month apart, I don't like anything that further messes with my immune system, but because I take immunosuppressants, I'm at greater risk of disease
CommunityMember8ff94b Member
I don't think you should of had the shingles did you tell them you had MG pneumonia too but please do check I was very poorly after my flu jab not sure if it's the flu jab or I caught nova virus or flu but omg 8 was in bed for 8 days and still now weak tired and my eyes are bad "
hidy Member
I had Pneumonia last year and this year. Sad to think about. Outmost care is needed.
CommunityMemberc46756 Member
I got Covid (again) and this time I took Paxlovid. Boy, did I make a mistake! I was SO sick! Never again! I'd rather have Covid than the Paxlovid, thank you very much. Doomed to be sick, fellow MGers!