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... ... anyone out there with MuSK MG?

I have just been diagnosed with MuSk MG and am awaiting my first appointment with a nuero muscular specialist nuerologist.
Wondering if you can share what treatments worked for you? what your nutrition plan looks like?

  1. Wow Kaitlyn,
    Thank you for the encouragement and the connection. I greatly appreciate both!!! Have a blessed holiday! Becky

    1. You as well! Wishing you a gentle day. Best, Kaitlyn (Team Member)

    2. Hi! I was just diagnosed with MuSK MG in late April. My symptoms so far have been limited to double vision. Based on an earlier episode of double vision, my neurologist believes my MG began in early January this year. I've been fortunate so far to have only had three flare ups of double vision. At the time of my diagnosis in April, I was also diagnosed with stage 2 hypertension. I started medication for that (lisinopril) and changed my diet (no gluten, sugar, dairy, beef, or nuts) 37 days ago and have had no symptoms. Much of my diet change was for the high BP as much as for the MG. I have a prescription for pyridostigmine should the symptoms return. So far, I haven't taken any. At this time, it's just wait and see for me. Good luck with your appointment! I hope you find answers, a plan, and some peace of mind. - Deborah

  2. Hi there, so glad you found our community! One of our patient leaders, Jessica, was diagnosed with MuSk MG. You might find it helpful to read the articles she has written for our site! You can find her "author archive" here: She has written a lot of different pieces about her personal experience - wishing you the best on your journey. Please let us know how your appointment goes! Warmly, Kaitlyn (Team Member)

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