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Myasthenia Gravis

Can somebody tell me if this is myasthenia?
N-AChR (IIF) neg
N-AChR 0.54
MuSK neg
(Done by ELISA method, asking for RIA now)
Thank you

  1. Just Google "interpreting AChR test." You'll find answers and videos by doctors. A positive AChR result indicates the presence of the acetylcholine antibody, which is associated with one type of Myasthenia Gravis. The provider is requesting an additional test by radioimmunoassay. The AChR test is very definitive. Follow the advice of whatever provider requested the test, If that's not a neurologist, I would recommend finding one.

    1. For someone who is AChR antibody positive, Mestinon is just the right short-term medicine. And a neurologist is just the right physician. You are doing exactly the right thing. I hope you are seeing some improvement in your symptoms. Feel free to ask questions as your journey progresses. This website is loaded with helpful people who have walked the road ahead of you.

    2. I took Mestinon 2x1 for a week
      From tomorrow 3x2
      Even though there are side effects, as the neurologist warned me, I seem to feel a little better 🙂
      And thanks for the support.
      We don't have a group like this in Croatia.

  2. We are not allowed to give medical advice, but given that AChR antibodies are generally absent from the bloodstream, your AChR level should be enough for a doctor to confidently diagnose you with MG. However, keep in mind that tests can be inaccurate! Doctors sometimes like to run various tests before giving a diagnosis: Hope this helps!
    Jodi, Team Member

    1. Thank you 😊

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