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Newly diagnosed

Hi all , after having covid in October 2021 I started getting double vision, I had blood tests & was told I have mg , I have been on medication since December, I was told a month ago I now have an under active thyroid , I went for a scan today to check my thymus so am waiting for results. I am 54 yr old woman & am having trouble sleeping at nights , please does anyone have any suggestions to help me sleep better , I don’t know if it’s the menopause or mg / thyroid medication keeping me awake at night .

  1. Hello many of us (myself included) can relate to the lack of sleep we get with MG. I was told by my doctor that Prednisone can cause sleep insomnia. Are you taking any steroids? Also mestinon is know to cause frequent urinations. For me personally I too have a hard time sleeping at night and when I wake up it's hard to fall back to sleep. I wake up about 3 - 5 times a night mostly because I have to go the bathroom. Have you talked to your doctor about possibly changing the time in which you take your medication? (only if safe to do so) Are you able to take a nap during the day? I always take a 1 - 2 hr nap everyday because I know sleeping at night is difficult and I dont always get my proper rest. - Jazmin (team members)

    1. Hi , We completely understand how frustrating and disruptive sleep issues can be. Have you had a chance to ask your doctor if the thyroid medication impacts sleep? Maybe there are some ways your doctor can modify your treatment to address this concern. I am also sharing an article about MG and Sleep Disorders that discusses treatment options: Let us know if any of this seems like it resonates with what you are experiencing. Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping you can get some rest this week. Best, Lauren ( Team)

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