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Obesity Drugs

Hi to all!
I’m 5’0” and weigh 185 pounds. A bit rotund here! My weight in impacting my breathing(COPD, sleep apnea), my spine(asking collapsing vertebra to carry this, leading to more pain), high cholesterol numbers(my Dad dies relatively young from heart disease),bad knees and so on. I’m about to start one of the weight loss injectables but there’s a back-of-the-brain question over Meg’s reaction to it. I was wondering if anyone has gone here or has thoughts on it.
Thanks friends!

  1. Thank you. What I’m going on is related to Victoza. I’m delighted it’s worked for you! I don’t have the blood sugar problem so it’s coming out of my pocket. 😔 It’s worth the forever cost though!

    1. Hi Sue, you sound like be with a few exceptions like I don't have COPD, I do have (PFT was pretty normal with one low residual volume reading. No evidence of asthma or copd.) But I have Degenerative Disc & joint disease, with all the fun stuff like spurs, stenosis etc... High cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism. My knees, & ankles give out. I did get up to 180 while on prednisone, I am 5'5". And the Dr. started me on Victoza as the insulin was not helping the diabetes that was made worse from the prednisone. I am now off All insulin... and have cut down on the Victoza. Hoping to be taken completely off of it in the next month or so. I am not sure what weight loss injectables you are referring to, but my Dr. told me that this was one that was used for weight loss in non-diabetics also. I have lost all of the extra weight and down to a healthy weight for my age and height... The weight just fell off. This medication improves the way our bodies use food. Slows digestion and keep you full longer. Now after just a few bites I do get too full to eat (nauseated feeling, this medication is meant to do this. That is why just a few bites.) That was great at first now I'm fight and having to eat more often to keep my blood sugar from falling to low. Like all medication just because someone had a negative reaction does not mean you will. It's all trial and error. I know someone that tried Victoza and had a negative reaction, but it works for me. Hope this helps!! Sally (team member).

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