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Seronegative/chemical/toxin exposure

Recently it has come out that there was a company less than a mile away from where I grew up that was dumping toxic chemicals. Many people have had cancer or other medical problems. I recently spoke to an attorney that is handling the lawsuit for all these people who have gotten sick. I often suspected this is the cause of my mg. They really think my mg was caused by this as well, considering I’m also seronegative. More and more information and study are coming out that this chemical is causing neurological issues as well. Has anyone else suspected or been diagnosed do to chemical/toxin exposure? Has there been a great amount of study on mg in a case like this?

  1. Unfortunately, not too many studies have been done on the many possible causes of MG except for genetics research. Some research has been done on the impact of pesticides, one of the most common suspected causes mentioned by individuals with MG. Here is a study on the effect of pesticides on MG development: Additionally, there is a significant number of veterans with MG who were exposed to Agent Orange, a herbicide used during the Vietnam War.
    For more information about autoimmune diseases and their potential causes related to chemicals, toxins, or environmental factors, you can refer to the following research:,,,

    - Jodi, Team Member

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