Today is my first day on this forum. I need some advice. I have been symptomatic since Janaury. I have seen every specialist known to man. We have ruled out MS, lupus, and RA. After doing my own research and after realizing my right eye issue is most likely Ptosis, I believe I have MG. I failed 7 out of 10 muscle test on the EMG test. My symptoms started with shortness of breath, inconsistent blood pressure, weird feeling in eye, and fatigue. Then went to pins and needles feeling in feet, legs, hands, arms, and face. Then extreme muscle fatigue that gets worse the more I use my muscles. Sometimes trouble swallowing, chewing fatigue, arms and legs. Get tired while carrying 5 pounds a short distance. I am light headed at times as well. I have always had blurry vision in short distances. Also, have some facial fatigue but no drooping in the face. Please help me. I am having to leave work early every day. It is affecting every aspect of life. Does this sound like MG? Worried my test will come back negative with no confirmation. Has been a long process. Any input is apprciated