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What was the first treatment your doctor prescribed for MG?

Tell us how it worked for you. Did treatment help reduce symptoms? Did it bring any unexpected side effects? Your insight can provide valuable perspectives for other navigating similar journeys.

  1. IV Transfusions

    1. I hope the transfusions went well. How have you been feeling since you were first diagnosed with MG?
      Jodi, Team Member

  2. Mestinon

    1. thanks for sharing. Are you finding it helpful with your symptoms? I hope so. Please know we're here anytime. Kindly, Jessica (Team Member)

  3. Did anyone get diarrhea from Pyridostigmine?

    1. Hi have you had an opportunity to speak with your physician about what you are experiencing? If you haven't already done so, we always recommend reaching out to one's doctor with new or developing symptoms. In the meantime, I shared an article that speaks on some of the potential side effects including diarrhea - Wishing you some relief. -Jessica (Team Member)

  4. Pyridostigmine

    1. We appreciate you sharing your experience, Diane! Have any particular MG symptoms been troublesome in getting under control?
      Jodi, Team Member

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