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Abby Schmidt
Last Updated:
Does cold weather impact your myasthenia gravis symptoms? Do things like fatigue, muscle cramping/weakness get worse when the weather is colder? If so, what do you do to manage these symptoms?
David75 Member
Last Updated:
I have trouble with both cold and heat, but primarily heat. Hot baths are out of the question. I get weak in cold weather but warm clothes keep me going. Hot weather, on the other hand, is debilitating, even dangerous. I once walked into a hot garage (maybe 110 degrees) and was very nearly unable to walk out.
hiker24 Member
Last Updated:
As a long term hiker, who LOVEs winter hiking, my diagnosis has me being very restrictive on my winter hiking activities. I just can't take the risk of being above tree line with full face covering and not being able to breath through the extra layers, so I limit my hikes to ones with very little exposure (above tree line), dress like it it 20 degrees colder than it is so I can stop (a lot) and take breaks, do not push myself to the point where I'm struggling to breath, once my breathing is heavy, I stop, rest then restart and go slow. So far for me it is the breathing which gets me the worst, my legs, so far are far less impacted. But yes, the cold air makes breathing more challenging.
Jodi Enders Member
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-Jodi, Team Member
Mac2 Member
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Some of my neurological symptoms may not be from MG but some other mystery ailment so I’m not sure if the changes I experience in the cold season is related to MG you’re not. But I do notice cold weather causes me to be more spastic in my movements and have frequent rope burn type feelings on my limbs. Not every day and not generally for more than eight hours at a time.
Jodi Enders Member
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-Jodi, Team Member
Mac2 Member
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CommunityMember3d2a9f Member
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I have trouble breathing
I keep my time outdoors short usually car to store. Lucky to have attached garage. My walking is done in stores, etc. Also do exercises and line dancing at the senior center. This is also my summer routine in hot humid weather
40 degrees is the low and 75 to 80 degrees (depending on the humidity) is the highest. Also do not tolerate the sun so on summer sunny days so wear a sun blocking jacket so I can tend my gardens.
At 86 I have found my triggers and try to avoid them
Jodi Enders Member
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Jodi, Team Member