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Did COVID Make You a Germophobe?

I was diagnosed with MG right at the start of covid. I was never one to focus on germs before then. I would wash my hands but never was worried about getting to the point of carrying hand sanitizer around. I believed I was young and in good health.

Now that I am on immunosuppressants, I constantly fear germs, being near others, and getting sick. Immunosuppressants suppress the immune system, stopping our body from mistakingly attacking healthy cells. Consequently, it also limits our immune system's ability to fight infections and diseases, such as covid. I try to get myself out of the house with a mask, but the anxiety doesn't disappear.

Were you on immunosuppressants during covid, and did the fear turn you into a Germophobe?

  1. *Addition to question:
    Did being at serious health risk, such as being on immunosuppressants or being unable to take antibiotics during a pandemic, make you over-cautious and anxious about other health threats and germs when it is in a situation in which the risk is less.

    Such being, as I taper off my immunosuppressants, I am equally anxious about health risks and being around people even when my risk of severe complications is decreasing - Jodi, Team Member

    1. Yes, hubby was. First three vax shots produced no antibodies. Becoming a hermit under those circumstances is not being a "germophobe." I actually think the question is very biased. Together with the number of antibiotics he cannot take, COVID was a far greater threat than to others. People who refused to be vaxxed caused real threats to his life not to mention being Petri dishes for new variants. We ARE our brothers' keepers. Juliana (team member).

      1. I should have worded the question differently. There are two components I was attempting to get at. Many of us experienced valid fear and still face a significant threat: covid.

        I was curious if the serious health threat, which is being on immunosuppressants or being unable to take antibiotics during a pandemic, made anyone over cautious and anxious about other health threats and germs when it is in a situation in which the risk is less.

        Such being, as I taper off my immunosuppressants, I am equally anxious about health risks and being around people even when my risk of severe complications is decreasing - Jodi, Team Member

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