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Diet and suppliments

Are there any guidelines for diet and suppliments with MG?

  1. Has anyone had Soliris or Vyvgrart

    1. A community member recently detailed their personal experience with Vyvgart treatment as a story submission. You can read it here: and Best, Kaitlyn (Team Member)

  2. You can (and should) always check with your doctor but the things I’ve heard that could possibly make us feel worse and that we should avoid include magnesium and maybe even melatonin. I’ve also heard that Vitamin D can be beneficial but every one is so different so what works for one of us might not work for the other. The best personal advice I can offer is to safely try different things out (eliminating sugar or alcohol or caffeine) and seeing how you respond. We know our own bodies so well! I hope that helps as well as the articles above! - Mallory ( Team Member)

    1. thank you. I'll also be looking at these articles. - Jazmin (team member)

      1. Member 961,

        We have a few articles on diet & supplements. Hope they help!

        Best wishes! - Janice ( Team)

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