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Driving is safe after thymectomy surgery or how it feels when drive ? Anyone experienced of this ?? Need to know ? Thanks 😊

  1. Hello I'm getting a thymectomy next month. I'll definitely let you know if I'm able to drive or my experiences with driving after I'm done recovering. Are you getting the surgery soon? - Jazmin (team member)

    1. Hi @Sanjana. Great question! I have not had the surgery myself so I can't speak to how it feels to drive but it looks like you can typically return to driving after 6 weeks. I would encourage you to speak with your doctor to get their opinion as well. Warmly, Kaitlyn ( Team Member)

      1. thankq 🥰🥰 yes ,m waiting for my neurologist appointment ..

      2. @sanjana Be sure to keep us updated! - Kaitlyn ( Team Member)

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