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Headache with Mestinon

I am experiencing stomach cramps , diarrhea and headaches with 60 mg of Mestinon. I’ve read about stomach cramps and diarrhea but not headaches. I never get headaches. Do these side affects eventually recede or will I always have them?

  1. Hi. I did have a headache for about a week. The worst was the diarrhea and abdominal pain. I often had no indication very loose stools were imminent. I was afraid to go anywhere. I lived that way for less than a month before I called my neurologist and was taken off of it.

    1. I've noticed more headaches since starting Mestinon 2 weeks ago, but then the mg fatigue is a killer too. Maybe the headaches are fatigue related. I pop a couple of Neurofen if necessary.

      1. Welcome to our fantastic community of supportive MG peeps! We're so glad to have you here. How long have you been diagnosed and treated with mestinon? While headaches are not typically listed as a side effect of mestinon (pyridostigmine) in reliable sources, a study found some interesting information. They discovered that even though MG is not thought to cause headaches, symptoms like head dropping and fluctuation of ptosis and diplopia could contribute to visual fatigue and stiffness of the neck, which might be important factors in MG-associated headaches ( Do you take any other medications?
        Here is another post in which another member expressed similar concerns about headaches and their association with MG:

        -Jodi, Team Member

        1. I had the same symptoms when I started mestinon it's called cholinergic crisis I suggest calling your doctor and readjust your mestinon. @

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