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Headaches or migraines as a primary or persistent/main symptom

Hi, just wanted to know if there were many of you with headaches or migraines as a main symptom. As myasthenia is under researched like a lot of conditions and I see many mention vertigo like symptoms or tinnitus as an early symptom as well. As many of you know the information out out there state muscle weakness and fatigability as the main symptoms and some texts specifically say 'myasthenia does not cause headaches'. Which to me doesn't seem quite right. So I'm interested to see what other feel/think.

  1. I have migraine headaches a lot and I'm told it's a side effect from the medications and not MG itself. Now, if you suffer from double vision. Double vision can cause headaches and the sensation of feeling off-balance (vertigo). I tend to get the biggest migraine after I undergo an IVIG treatment. My nurse informed me on how important it is to stay hydrated during and after that treatment. Since the medication is super thick and given at a high quantity, pressure builds up in the brain causing the headaches which would be a sign of dehydration. - Jazmin (MG team member)

    1. Hi it can be a challenge to determine if MG is the direct cause of headaches. That being said, those in our community have mentioned experiencing headaches and migraines. If you don't mind me asking, have you discussed this with your doctor? We always recommend reaching out to one's physician with new or developing symptoms. I included an article on pain and MG, which touches on headaches - Wishing you some relief. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

      1. I also suffer from migraines - and did for many years before my MG diagnosis - but have been spared many recently, because I'm pretty sure the prednisone I am taking for MG has mitigated them. (My docs agree with me.) I suspect in some cases MG patients who did not have migraines previous to MG may actually be getting them as a side effect of treatments. IVIG is notorious for that, for example. I am very fortunate in that my medical professionals are all very open to listening and take seriously the fact that MG is an individualized disease, so every patient is different. I wish the same for you and all MG sufferers.

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