Have you ever received unsolicited advice about your MG? If so, what was the advice and how did you respond?
CommunityMember996 Member
Many tell me it is all in my head get more exercise when it is my leg muscles that are mainly affected
Jess.Hall Community Admin
Mememe Member
My family told me that I have gotten lazy and just need to exercise. I sent them all information on Myasthenia Gravis. But it is so disheartening to have your whole family think you are lying/lazy/etc. Ironically, my paternal grandmother had it but she could still walk very well, whereas I have a hard time. Legs shake, buckle at the knees, etc.
Jodi Enders Moderator & Contributor
Jodi, Team Member
Tombanton Member
Yes, I’ve received unsolicited advice about my MG (Myasthenia Gravis). One piece of advice was to just “rest more” or “try natural remedies” to cure it. While well-intentioned, I explained that MG is a chronic autoimmune condition that requires specific medical treatments, and resting alone won't address the underlying issues. I usually respond politely by sharing basic information about the condition and how treatment is managed by healthcare professionals to help others understand it better.
Jodi Enders Moderator & Contributor
Jodi, Team Member
CommunityMemberaf03b8 Member
CommunityMemberc32a6c Member
People don’t know anything about MG but I’m sick of trying to explain it to everyone
lauren-ruffalo Community Admin
Jodi Enders Moderator & Contributor
Jodi, Team Member