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medication side effects

Hi. I recently started mestinon. I was having generalized weakness, shortness of breath, double vision/very blurry vision and ptosis. I was at a point that brushing my teeth is difficult becuase of arm weakness. i have only been on it a week but feel better when I am taking it. not as much weakness and everyone comments on how much my eyes are open. My question is I wake up everymorning feeling like I have the flu. Achy, congested and really fatigued. It doesn't seem as bad once I start taking the Mestinon. Is this normal? Is it a side effect or maybe I just happen to have something on top of taking the mestinon. Has anyone else had this?

  1. hello are you newly diagnosed? I had all those symptoms when I first got diagnosed and it's not fun as you know. I 've been on mestinon for 11 years and I haven't experienced feeling sick when I wake up but even after I take a nap, I do feel fatigued still. I always associated that with my body still trying to wake up from being in a relaxed state and me possibly getting up too fast. So, when I wake up I sit in my bed for about 5 minutes before I try getting up and get a drink of water. I started keeping water on my nightstand for that reason. Most importantly if this symptom is a concern for you contact your doctor and let them know. They can give you more information and explain if this is a side effect from the medication. Please keep us updated. Feel better. - Jazmin (team member)

    1. Hi sorry to see others have not weighed in yet. Have you reached out to your doctor about what you are experiencing? If you haven't already, we always recommend reaching out to one's physician with new or developing symptoms. Wishing you some relief. Hugs, Jessica, MG Team Member

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