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Muscle Weakness with MG

I have found that after having a thymectomy to remove a thymoma going to the gym four days a week and using a system of light weights namely 10kgs definitely helps with muscle weakness. I also use the steamroom and sauna and have no problems with the heat. I will be 81 this year and enjoying myself.

  1. I absolutely love this for you. May i ask when you got your thymectomy? I had mine in 2021 (I believe) and I still have a hard time with heat and working out. I currently have droopy eye lids due to this summer heat. I tend to have one flare up a year. - Jazmin (team member)

    1. Oh man. I was supposed to have my surgery in 2018 but the day of surgery I found out I was pregnant and in 2020 we rescheduled but I ended up having a crisis as well and that pushed my surgery back to December 3rd 2021. If you dont mind me asking what medications were you taking? Im 1.5yrs post op and Im currently dealing with slurred speech. 3 years with no symptoms is amazing. I pray you stay in remission. - Jazmin (Team member)

    2. there. I was on mestinon 60mg four times a day and mycophenolate 750mg twice a day and am still on those medications. After my thymectomy they put me on prednisone a steroid but it caused me all sorts of problems such as swollen feet and ankles. My neurologist agreed that I could come off it so I weaned myself off that drug over a couple of months. I neurologist every six months and as I said before am feeling very good and have just come back from the gym. Keep your chin up and have the thymectomy if possible. It made a significant improvement in my condition

  2. Hi so glad you have found a routine that is helpful for you! Also glad to hear you have been enjoying yourself! We appreciate you being here with us and sharing. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Kindly, Jessica, MG Team Member

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