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My symptoms started years before I diagnosed with MG

I was diagnosed with MG this past February. Last November while working in the morning my vision went from clear to double. I work with Architectural drawings on a computer screen all day. As you might imagine there are lots of line’s running in different directions. All of a sudden the lines doubled and didn’t make any sense.
I got into see an eye doctor that afternoon and was told that my vision would resolve in 4 to 6 weeks. This wasn’t the answer I was expecting.
As you might imagine I was starting to panic.
In February I saw a doctor that figure out what the real problem was, MG.
Reflecting back I believe that this all started almost four years ago. Four primary symptoms: inability to control my bladder, extreme exhaustion both physically and mentally everyday, muscle pain and severe heat intolerance. Over those few years, every doctor that I talked to didn’t have any answers. One doctor told me that I just needed to get more sleep and another doctor said that I needed to lose ten pounds.
When I was finally diagnosed with MG and the more I learned it all started to make sense. I still have all of those problems, but they are less troubling now and easier to deal with.


  1. I'm currently taking:
    Pyridostigmine BR 120mg at 7am and 11am, 90mg at 3pm and 60mg at 7pm.

    Mycophenolate Mofetill 500mg twice a day, and,
    Prednisone 10mg with breakfast.

    Since starting this I haven't had another chocking episode. And I'm not complaining. The first time it happened I was home by myself.

    1. thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I’m glad you were finally able to receive the correct diagnosis and your symptoms are now more manageable. How have you been feeling lately? -Julie (team member)

      1. I’m currently taking the following med:
        Pyridostigmine BR, Mycophenolate Mofetil and prednisone.

        They are helping with almost all of the issues, and I don’t seem to have any problems with Double Vision at the moment.
        However, recently I’ve started chocking while eating. And working with the Neurologist and I sure well a handle on it.

        The biggest problem was find a Neurologist that understands MG and has openings.

        1. What meds are you now taking and are they helping?

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