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Still Improving

I have come a long way since my MG diagnosis in July 2020. I saw my specialist today. My eyelids were even and the twitching is reduced, double vision is reduced. I haven't used my eyepatch since I started Mestinon, and I'm not nearly as clumsy as I used to be. There is still a ways to go, therefore; we have increased my dose of Mestinon and complete two more tests. The first one we are doing because I can't convince anyone in the city I live in to do: an actual scan of my thymus
and an EMG.

  1. Yayy I'm so happy to hear that you are improving. That's great. Hmm, I wonder why they wont check your thymus. I'm actually scheduled to get a Thymectomy this year in December. Please keep us updated on your improvements. Best of luck. - Jazmin (team member)

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