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traveling with MG

I was diagnosed in July 2024 with ocular mg. I had double vision symptoms. Since I started on mestinon it has controlled the double vision. Now my only symptoms are some fatigue, however I do manage well. I had a trip planned from the US to Vietnam for next month before my mg occurred. Has anyone done extensive travel with a 12 hour time change and had their symptoms become worse? I'm trying to decide if I should still go on this trip as I have read that lack of sleep can make mg worse.

  1. Thank you Jodi. Your comments & links are very helpful.

    1. Welcome to the community! We’re glad to have you here. I hope you're doing well as you navigate your diagnosis. Lack of sleep is unlikely to be the sole cause of an MG crisis or any severe symptoms. Usually, insufficient sleep or switching time zones may lead to energy loss and possible weakness. However, the stress of traveling or lack of sleep may trigger symptoms, so it's essential to keep that in mind. Here are some articles with travel tips for those with MG you may be interested in:,,
      Another important note you may want to consider is that measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) may be a recommended vaccine when visiting Vietnam; however, if you are on immunosuppressants, it is recommended to avoid or proceed with much caution with live vaccines, including measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine ( I wish you health and happiness in the year ahead. If you have any questions or need support, please reach out.
      Jodi, Team Member

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