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A Fatigue Scale

When I began having MG symptoms it occurred to me that it would be helpful in order to track the progress of the disease to have a fatigue scale comparable to the 1 to 10 pain scale. There did not appear to be one, so I came up with my own:

0 = All is well; no fatigue; go git 'em!

1 = I feel a little fatigue, but I can ignore it

2 = I definitely feel some fatigue, but I can go on

3 = I'd like to rest, but I can go on

4 = I need a rest but I can go on

5 = I have to rest; I can't go on

This, like the pain scale, is clearly subjective. My 3 for example might well be someone else's 5. But I've found it useful, and I offer it to anyone else who might also find it useful.

  1. Thank you for sharing this with us. This is very useful and also thank you for saying that your 3 may be someone else's 5. Implicating that we all experience fatigue and symptoms differently. I will have to use this for myself. This morning I am currently at a 2. I have mild fatigue in my right eye but nothing that I feel to go back to sleep for. - Jazmin (MG team member)

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